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Home > The Gem
[MD/April] Monzo - Stone Heart
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   · Face up & Body Blushing
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* Ordering period : From Apr.21th. to May.10th
* This period could be closed earlier than noticed time.
* If you want to have the Removing Seam service for the normal skin 'Monzo - Stone Heart',   plz click the Related Product 'Removing seam[MD]-Mega Gem' on the bottom of page.
Me and me(10-12-21 04:53 /
LOVE LOVE LOVE Modify Delete 
Oh... he is sold out...=^>_<"^=
Release Monzo, please!!!!!
tasukile(10-07-01 12:24 /
Finally Modify Delete 
Finally some hot guy not a women or children >_<'
I wanna Buy this one!
Beth1(10-05-26 10:10 /
I love the head!
This would have been my second Soom doll if it were not for that body! I would have loved to get a grey skinned Monzo on the SuperGem body. The head is the best one you have created yet! So disappointed the head couldn't fit on the SuperGem body. Sorry!
Kateness(10-05-18 11:58 /
Holy Crabcakes! Modify Delete 
While a lot of people seem to love the new body and dislike the head, for me it's the opposite! I LOVE the face, and ESPECIALLY the ears! But the muscles on the body are to pronounced for me. I think I'll end up getting his head second hand and putting it on a different grey body, probably from an old Euclase. Although, I also LOVED the claw feet and hands... It doesn't matter, I missed the order period and I didn't have the money anyway. Maybe someday we'll meet again, Monzo... Maybe someday...
NiveusUmbra(10-05-02 15:21 /
Weep Modify Delete 
Ah, why am I broke? X( I want him SO BAD! This is the most in love I've ever been with a doll. Life is cruel. (cries)
He is beautiful.
建议(10-04-28 22:34 /
杜晨·科洛斯 (Doutzen Kroes) Modify Delete 
我很希望soom公司可以以名模杜晨·科洛斯 (Doutzen Kroes) 的样子制造娃娃,一定很漂亮!
Tonboko(10-04-25 05:27 /
Wonderful job, Soom!
I love everything about this guy! I really like the new body. It is a nice blend of having muscles without being a bulky beefcake. And the wings, horn, and paws are just amazing!

I am a bit sad I cannot afford to bring him home, but hopefully I can see one in person someday.

I hope we will see a tiny version of Monzo someday so that I might have a chance of getting a gargoyle of my own. ;)
nice!(10-04-25 01:01 /
very cool Modify Delete 
He's very cool! If he were super gem size I would buy him in a flash! Unfortunately I do not like mega gem body at all :-( The muscles are too tense and he's too bulky, especially for those dinky small wings.  And his head will not fit super gem body.

I like the outfit, but the skirt is way to short again. Soom needs to make longer skirts.
fransyung(10-04-24 09:45 /
the body is too big... Modify Delete 
Why can't you just make him in Super Gem size? T.T I can't even buy him for the head now since it's too big for my Super Gem bodies... T.T I love the head but I don't love the body. It's very similar to ID_ealian. But... Good luck. I think a lot of people will be buying this one. I will wait for your next male SUPER GEM MD! XD
airiin(10-04-23 19:36 /
Naw Modify Delete 
If you addded a human head for him you'd have me as a customer for this one XD~ but the bat ears and dimple as they are now are just a turn off for me.... too much modding would be needed
Jan(10-04-23 13:22 /
I ORDERED HIM!! Modify Delete 
This doll is just too amazing to pass up. I am so excited. This is my first Soom doll :). Thank you for all your wonderful work and giving us the privilege of sharing in your creations!
crionigirl(10-04-23 06:20 /
Okay, but... Modify Delete 
This doll is no doubt very well done, but something I have realized over time while watching soom create their new masterpieces each month, is that though there is a lot of effort put into making limited monthly dolls, there should be an equal amount of effort put into making new dolls that are NOT limited. I have been following soom for over two years now in their line of work, and there hasn't been a single new doll for normal ordering apart for the limited monthly dolls. There may be variations from a previous one, like lighter skin or changing a girl into a boy by simply switching the body, but nothing that is genuinely "new". I understand soom is a unique company and are very busy with their orders, but there are plenty other bjd websites that get just as much traffic as soom, and somehow manage to still make time for creating new regular dolls. I think this should very seriously be looked into, and quickly.
Mushoom(10-04-23 00:11 /
Smexi <3 Modify Delete 
He's wonderful Soom. So So So amazing <3 If I had the money I'd be bringing him home, but I'm afraid I don't. Please make the tinys like him ^^
SinghamWilk(10-04-22 20:58 /
Very Nice
I love the face sculpt, how ever i miss the old legs soom made. where you had the 3-point legs but still had a moveable ankle joint.
all the same, very nice doll ^^
pitty i'm having to save for other things or i may have treated myself to this :D
pendrithgirl(10-04-22 18:03 /
oh my gosh Modify Delete 
LOVE this new guy!

Hes stunning, the new body is awesome an hes perfect for a character ive wanted ^^

Not too find of the ears but other than that, great job :3
dolly(10-04-22 13:54 /
Oh Soom . . . Modify Delete 
You're killing me here! His face sculpt is my favorite from you yet, and his fantasy parts are simply perfect. But I'm not fond of this new body, so I won't be buying him. ;_; Bigger is not always better! I wish you would put your amazing creative energy to work on making better joints for your existing dolls, or making some slimmer and smaller bodies instead of another bigger one.

Still, kudos for a well-executed idea. Monzo is a work of art.
Jan(10-04-22 13:20 /
I LOVE HIM Modify Delete 
He is PERFECT. I was so bummed I didn't find out about you guys in time to get Chrom. Now there is one I want MORE THAN CHROM!
aprillee(10-04-22 12:40 /
FANTASTIC! Modify Delete 
I love you SOOM designers always take a big risk and make beautiful dolls that no one has seen before!  You are all so very creative.  Your dolls are all so amazing!  I love the new body and parts and costume.  He is fantastic!  ^___^
mee(10-04-22 10:44 /
too big! Modify Delete 
He's spectacular.

I so wish he were super gem size.

I really want to get him but I don't like dolls that are too large. Also, his neck and special parts will not fit with other heads or bodies *so sad*
Elebuu(10-04-22 09:58 /
Oh my goodness... Modify Delete 
I've never left a comment here, as many times as I've come to admire the MDs. But, I really, really just had to say something. ^_^

This is one of the most amazing dolls I've ever seen from Soom--strikingly original and incredibly beautiful, too. There isn't a thing about this sculpt I don't like. I normally am not even as much of a fan of the male dolls, but had I the funding for this guy, I would have placed an order in a heartbeat!

Breathtaking. <3 Please continue to experiment with ideas and sculpts like this! <3

Much love and admiration,
catdancer(10-04-22 09:51 /
He's Haawtt!!! Modify Delete 
I just love the new guy, he's everything a gargoyle come to life should be, well muscled, beefy, and good looking to boot!

I ordered him in grey, and I can't wait to airbrush him!
Esper(10-04-22 08:56 /
great doll, but gotta agree ^^;
aww as soon as I spotted that facesculpt in NS i wanted it, but then I saw....that body. it's wayy too buff and unproportioned to the rest of him. Otherwise the fantasy parts and face is totally love!<3
I don't mind having to wait for a normal or slimmer boy ^^;
Nayami(10-04-22 08:20 /
Ack. But great job.
No! I was 2 seconds from placing an order till I realized how thick his neck was >.< He wont be able to fit any super gem heads, or even any other companies head. I really wanted him and his parts for my supergems..but he's just to big.
Maybe next time release him in mega gem and super gem? Just so people can pick and choose? I know some people love the big body, but its harder to work with.
I personally love him and he's beautiful! Like I said he was in my shopping cart till I read the measurements.
Best of luck SOOM! He is a beauty <3
annie(10-04-22 08:15 /
Oh no Modify Delete 
His face is beautiful but I am sad that he is a special size and that he can never be human with those ears.
smw(10-04-22 06:50 /
so sad Modify Delete 
You've made such a beautiful guy i've fell in love. But WHY did you do that new body??? :(((( Now I can't buy him 'cause i just hate this kind of body. I'm sooo sad. And many other people as I know. I think it was mistake to make this. I think Idealian is quite enough for mega boys lovers.
franceslin20(10-04-22 04:44 /
nice but...
hum, he looks cool and cute in the normal skin color. i like all but there is just something i can't understand.

1)he doesn't seem to have a chin (view from side)
2)he looks proportionally odd if go with his human feet. here i think since the body is upsizing, shouldn't the feet and leg size also upsizing?

and i also agree that soom arm need some change and fixing. cause it always tend to stuck in position as if they want a hand out from people.>.<
Avery(10-04-22 04:10 /
Hmm... Modify Delete 
I'm really sad his head won't fit the super gem bodies and it will force me to really think about my decision to buy him or not. He IS beautiful, but bigger is not always better. Adding a little muscle to the super gem body would have been nice, but he seems a bit too overdone muscle-wise. Still I love that face. I have to agree with midstar7 on doing something about the super gem elbows. Its needs some serious fixing.
Harumi(10-04-22 03:40 /
Monzo Modify Delete 
I cant believe how much i fallen for this AWSOME , yah..AWSOME boy, his face its lovely and so handsome, and well the fantasy parts are great!. Soom., dunno How this happend, but it does.
I always love your dolls, but never being more than a *how nice*
Now, im totally fallen in loove 0__0
Aunestey(10-04-22 02:19 /
I think those ears are super HOT!  They look so meaty and delicious, I just want to bite them!  XD  I can't believe I'm Soomed again already.  I've been waiting for wings and legs like this for a long time and I finally got my wish, and how!  Mega Gem?  I'm so curious to see comparison pics!

Soom, you are amazing!
xweetke(10-04-22 02:02 /
T_T WHY!?!?!?! Modify Delete 
I just cried a little. Not from joy, no from sadness and dissapointed feelings.
He still is beautiful, but what really bothers me is that the human version isn't human at all. His ears are so... ugly :(
I would have bought him if the human version had normall ears, maybe even two just for the heck of it... neeh that's to much XD but now I don't want him at all.
I wanted him so badly :(

Really Soom... You've made me cry.
namine(10-04-22 01:41 /
aggh!!! Modify Delete 
WHYY WHYY you make souch gorgeus boy!!T_T!!! you did it this time soom!!! grrr i need the money for hem !
JennyNemesis(10-04-22 01:10 /
beautiful! Modify Delete 
Congratulations on finishing this stunning new gargoyle! <3 He has such a sweet, pretty face for such a fearsome creature. I especially love his black glitter eyes.

The big new body type looks interesting, and I'd like to see more nude pictures of it.
luckyxiii(10-04-21 23:45 /
wah Modify Delete 
I wish he had a head with human ears also. And what are his measurements?
gnomevamp(10-04-21 23:02 /
Gorgeous! Modify Delete 
He is truly beautiful! I want to buy the head!!!

Love the horns!!!

Please sell heads separately! Ive missed many wonderful heads... or maybe have a more easily poseable body... the bodies look great I just cant do what I need to do easily enough without feeling like I am going to scratch it by trying... i think its due to the material (weight and finish) and very narrow hips.
haru(10-04-21 20:12 /
well done but..
dear Soom, the concept of this doll is really something, but:

why don't you work on a better upgrade of slender body as Supergem size and change the system of joints (those elbow joints that are SOO annoy to handle) instead to do a new beefy body (that isn't really needed since you already did the IDealian)? i don't quite understand this XD
midstar7(10-04-21 18:49 /
Very beautiful head sculpt and fantasy parts, but … Modify Delete 
Congratulations in making such a beautiful doll.  The head sculpt and fantasy parts are the most beautiful you have ever done on a male doll.

I do think though that you should have offered a choice for the normal super gem body, because many people (myself included) do not like bodies this big.  I personally already find the Super Gem male body a lot to handle!
I don't ever buy male dolls, but would have bought Monzo if he had the regular super gem body (in grey skin of course).

A job well done on the head sculpt and fantasy parts though!
Please keep up this level of creativity with your girl dolls also!
Lyn(10-04-20 23:07 /
wishfull thinking Modify Delete 
I wish this or other MD Doll could be sold separately with Doll head and the body only with face up or not option =/ (with out the the fantasy parts) But yeah wishfull thinking)
luckyxiii(10-04-20 22:49 /
Wow Modify Delete 
I am in love with that face <3
I'm wondering about those wings I see in the background too, interesting.
Reiyuu(10-04-20 18:49 /
DARN YOU! Modify Delete 
3 in a row that I have fallen for. Thats not nice!
HOwever Kudos for what seems to be another greyskin. I'm in love :D
angeline425(10-04-20 18:39 /
So beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!! Modify Delete 
I agree with people that he is the most beautiful MD I've seen. Is he grey skin? Oh, I feel little disappointed since normal or white will be more popular, even tanned. (And I also hope he could have another human head without his animal ears. haha~) I always feel headache about grey skin. Hope you will release him with skintone opption. That will be perfect. I'd like normal one for myself:)

Can't wait to see more of him~!!
Mona Jay(10-04-20 17:01 /
very nice indeed Modify Delete 
Judging the teaser, he´s indeed one of the most handsome boys you did in a long time. Against all hope, I´ll keep my fingers crossed for a Normal Skin option, ´cause then he´d be perfect :):
VileKitteh(10-04-20 14:25 /
O.O Modify Delete 
Craaaaaaaapppppppppppppp DO WANT!!! *scrounges up money*
arcadegel(10-04-20 12:42 /
In love!
In my opinion, he is the best male MD yet. He's so amazing and beautiful.
I might just give up my other doll quests to get him.
His skin tone and horns are what really grabbed my attention, but the shape of his face is what made me love him.
Can't want to see the rest of him, heard he had a tail? :/
shisako(10-04-20 08:32 /
I think this is one of the best Soom faces I've seen yet~ boy or girl~ He's extremely lovely~ and I love the dark around his eyes~ I'm really curious to see what the rest of him is like~
Nayami(10-04-20 05:45 /
He is freaking beautiful SOOM! Are those resin wings I see!? I'm going to need this boy. FABULOUS WORK! And gray? Gah I could cry with how happy I am to see another gray boy since Euclase! He's beyond amazing and I will be ordering him! I do hope he has like stone lion-type feet! I love his horns, they are so twisty and nice. GAH NEED THIS DOLL <333
Ran(10-04-20 05:13 /
can't wait to see more!
Wow... I'm very excited to see the feet of this boy! I hope they're amazing hooves... and I hope I have money to buy him!
sugarcoated(10-04-20 04:02 /
Beautiful <3 Modify Delete 
Gorgeous boy! He has just the face I've been looking for too <3 I really hope you do a normal or white skin version like you have done previously <3
Kae(10-04-20 03:52 /
Incredible! Modify Delete 
Oh, he's just fabulous. I lovelove those horns! Simply can't wait for more pics<3
keltxo(10-04-20 03:23 /
WoOoOoOw Modify Delete 
Want no... need more pictures!!! pleaseee!!! just one is not enought!!!
Rabiruchi(10-04-20 02:22 /
WOW Modify Delete 
OMG Soom...he IS gorgeous!
Really, amazing job with the face, really incredible!
Let's see if the magic parts are, somehow, new...
...Is that something coming out of his back or just my impression?
xweetke(10-04-20 01:54 /
WANT! NOW! Modify Delete 
OMG that look <3 I love you Soom! You are doing a great jobs with the boys lately <3
I want him so badly... I hope you will release him with an tan option <3 he would look so hot tan *w*
PandaQueen(10-04-20 00:05 /
beautiful Modify Delete 
This boy looks beautiful i cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures. Its interesting what you've done with the horns, and indeed it almost looks like their may be wings. He seems very much so like a Gargoyle in away especially with the title you've given him.

I'm loving the grey resin and his face, I'll admit his chest does look a little different though i am excited to see what you've done.
Wind_Barot(10-04-19 23:39 /
wow *¬* Modify Delete 
Hope there is an option for white skin *----¬*
Alice(10-04-19 22:52 /
Beautiful! Modify Delete 
I love him already, so handsome! I like his nose, delicate but not too small.
fransyung(10-04-19 22:37 /
Nice! ^^ Modify Delete 
Wonderful body, although I think I still love your old Super Gem body! XD And nice features... He looks so young. ^^ And handsome! I see wings... ^^ but more horns? >.<
Mouse(10-04-19 22:31 /
Nice Modify Delete 
WOW!! very cool from seeing just the head! Hope the rest is just as cool
kim(10-04-19 19:41 /
hmm Modify Delete 
It looks interesting, but I certainly hope it won't be like it was with chrom for me. Looking likei it might be a real cool doll, but eventually just not being as good as I expected. >.>
kitnohoper(10-04-19 18:37 /
So handsome!! Modify Delete 
Your loveliest boy since Sard and the original Idealian!!!!

I just hope there is an option for Normal Skin or White Skin.....
Leech(10-04-19 18:31 /
The New Soom Male Modify Delete 
It looks like you've decided to release a new type of body for your Super Gem male as well. My guess is that he will be extremely muscled. I am anxious to see how this will look in combination with his new fantasy parts.

 I love grey skin and I'm so pyched to see the new boy, especially his ears and gorgeous scowl. However, I'm a bit tired of horns?

 I will wait to pass judgement further. Let's see that gorgeous chin dimple up close!
pilixiong(10-04-19 17:17 /
WOW Modify Delete 
Avery(10-04-19 17:16 /
Wonderful! Modify Delete 
This may be my favorite Soom boy yet! Just amazing beyond words!
hatshepsut(10-04-19 16:18 /
占楼 Modify Delete 
