Welcome to rosette school of dolls. rosettedoll
Notice| Student record| Student's album| FAQ| Q&A
Total 112
NO Title HIT Date Name
[Check] Korean National Holiday 6243 10-08 Admin
[Notice] Apology about our late delivery 4505 07-23 soom
[NOTICE] About layaway plan information 4267 05-06 soom
Warning on Soom BJD Reproductions/Recasts 5232 12-23 Admin
32 [[Check] A past order confirmation way. 2659 10-09 soom
31 [Check] Duplication Account & Points integration NOTICE 2760 10-08 Admin
30 [Check] SITE reorganization ‘The SOOM Emporium’ 2375 10-08 Admin
29 [Check] Online Service Interruption for Shopping Mall RENEWA… 2391 10-06 [Rosette]
28 [Check] Hangawee-Korean National Holiday 2704 09-22 [Rosette]
27 The delivery time guarantee system 2604 09-05 [Rosette]
26 [New] New arrivals! 2993 08-14 [Rosette]
25 [NEW] Release the new Rosette student! 2835 08-10 [Rosette]
24 [check] Rosette blog story update 2261 08-10 [Rosette]
23 [NEW] Release The Rosette wigs!! 3015 07-20 [Rosette]
22 [Check] Rosette blog story update 3242 07-06 [Rosette]
21 [Check] For attaching a Head parts magnet. 2620 07-03 [Rosette]
20 [Check] Summer Vacation (5days) 2341 07-02 [Rosette]
19 [Check] Pictures for Rosette doll's package 2740 06-12 [Rosette]
18 [NEW] Release The Rosette Eyes !! 2608 06-10 [Rosette]
17 [Check] Rosette blog story update 2345 05-29 [Rosette]
16 Pictures for limited hand parts - Armeria, Violet 2604 05-22 [Rosette]
15 [Check] Updated the Profile pictures 3382 05-22 [Rosette]
14 [NEW] Release the Summer Term Rosette Dolls 2519 05-21 [Rosette]
13 [Check] pictures for Limited hand parts - Camelia, Fir, Marg… 2454 05-18 [Rosette]
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