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Home > The Gem > NOTICE
Date : 10-11-02 10:16
[MD/Nov] Pyrol & Minette - Magic Horn
 Writer : Admin
Hit : 2,577  

Dear Soom fans~~

First, thank you so much for your deep interest in our little Centaurus, Pyrol & Minette.^o^

We would like to inform you about the way we are going to ship out these dolls :

- We plan to ship about 50 dolls of each type (Pyrol and Minette) before X-Mas to the customers who have fully paid their
orders, according to a “first-come first-served” shipping order.
The earlier one’s customer order is paid off, the earlier the order will be shipped out.

- The orders of the customers who could not be included in this first “Before X-Mas” shipping period will follow a schedule
according to Soom regular shipping process.

- We will publish an additional notice once this first shipping period will be over.

- Please take note that this first bunch of dolls will be prepared in limited quantity so all our customers will not be able to
receive them before X-Mas. Thank you for your kind understanding. (_ _)

Have a nice day ~!


