日期 : 13-09-17 11:55
[Check] Korean National Holidays
 姓名 : Admin
访问量 : 8,483  
Hello, everyone~☆


We will have some holidays for the Korean Thanksgiving Day.

*******Schedule: from Sep. the 18th (Wed.) to Sep. the 22nd (Sun.) included*******


During this time, you can still do shopping on our websites.

However, we will not be able to:
- answer your questions on the Q&A board and any E-mail request;
- check the payments made during this period;
- ship out your goods.

*******Our services will restart on Monday the 23rd. *******


Your cooperation and patience in these respects would be greatly appreciated. (_ _)

Thank you for your attention!



Love from SoOm <3


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