* Ordering period : From Aug.11th. To Aug. 26th.2011 * This period could be closed earlier than noticed time. * If you want to have the Removing Seam service for this item, plz click the Related Product 'Removing seam and sanding' on the bottom of page. * Please understand that it is not possible to provide 'Removing Seam Service' for transparent resin. * Azur's Siren body options does not contain human body. Thank you in advance for your kind understanding.
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mermaidjewel(11-12-06 03:04 / Even more beautiful in real life Soom, thank you so much for this beautiful boy - I just received my Azur in the post today and I absolutely love him!
For anyone considering buying a doll from this series, they might be a lot smaller than the Super Gem or Idealian dolls but in my opinion they are sculpted and painted in just as much detail - and they are handbag size, yay!. Azur is simply stunning in real life (he looks like a miniature Hyperon!)and the musculature of his body is really beautiful too.
I really hope that the boy versions of these dolls become more and more popular, as I think there is so much potential for many wonderful characters here! It would be great to see more mermen in future - very few bjd companies make merpeople and Soom has made the only mature versions (that I know of) out there with Vega, Azur and Cass; I'm sure there are a lot of other mermaid/merman fans besides me who would love to collect a whole reef of them!
Thank you again Soom for making my day a very happy one - Hooray!
EriChanHime(11-08-25 16:33 / Lower body He is beautiful, and I just ordered the siren version. Please make it possible for us to buy the lower half of the human version, too, like you do for the girls. I want to make him have legs sometimes, too!
Kitsune(11-08-13 09:57 / Merman!!!!!!! MIO MIO MIO!!!
I want him!!
sahoma(11-08-11 10:00 / merman!! :D tiny mermaid man! this is just too awesome!
too bad his face is not for me ^^; but maybe it's a good thing since I am currently broke because of Migma :'P
UsagiTsukinokrv(11-08-10 22:01 / super gem - the mermaid dream My God, why mermaid - and so little T_T
I for so many years dreaming about the super gem - the mermaid ....
They are also nowhere to be found ...
Dear, beloved Soom, will please fans!
Create a great big mermaid! I implore you!
mermaidjewel(11-08-10 01:35 / Oh yes, a merman!!!! Have died and gone to heaven. Soom thank you for being brilliant yet again! You so know what's in a girl's heart - he looks gorgeous! Squeeee! :)
ariendragon(11-08-09 20:29 / T_T Soom, I've been waiting for you to release another aquatic LE for a long time now, and you go and do it right when college is about to start again >.< I can't afford textbooks and this beautiful boy ;_;
Satirica(11-08-09 19:49 / Can't wait to see! Can't wait to see HIM =O
whitewings(11-08-09 19:32 / Mermaid? Ooh she looks like a little mermaid.......????