nschroeder(11-08-03 04:11) The violin I understand your not having the violin available, but could you post the length of the violin he is holding? It looks just right and I would like to find one!
mukusan(11-07-27 22:45) <3~ He is soooo sexy~!!!
Is the violin for sale as well?
aernath(11-07-27 16:52) quick answers Brains, yes. Fingerprints are there, but subtle - much like a real hand.
I have London S.E.R. :)
Jesper(11-07-26 20:24) Do the Do the ID51 have brain and fingerfrints like the ID72?
He´s fantastic, but i want a guy with brain hehe
Phin(11-07-26 18:51) If only he's ID72 I like everything about him especially his eyes and lips shape. He's unique and handsome. I also like his casual outfit as well. Soom I wish you release casual clothing line for ID72.
I would buy Aspen immediately if he's ID72. Lately, I think Soom did a better job with ID51 than 72. However, I don't collect ID51.. So sad.. cause I really like them all!
Vetinari(11-07-26 09:44) Wow! It's Sherlock! This one is beautiful!
Brighteyes(11-07-26 04:17) *____________* Wow, this is such a beautiful boy!!, bravo soom!!, please release in white skin too!!! >/////////<, thank you very much for your good work!!^^