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Home > The Gem
Mixi - Water Drop Sprite
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* Ordering period : From Aug.26th. to Sep.15th.2010.
* This period could be closed earlier then noticed time.
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mixi(10-12-05 00:04 /
i love her
she was one of the first soom dolls i saw and it was just stunning
pricer505(10-09-24 12:08 /
More Faeries please  ~  Soom does outstanding design and I hope to be able to buy one someday soon.  So elegant , thank you.
jesswight(10-09-14 10:08 /
Perfect! Modify Delete 
She is absolutely perfect in every way Soom! I love her and cannot wait until she comes home.

Please wait some time for the next Faery Legend release so we have time to save up and get them all.

Thank you :)
iamgeekachu(10-09-10 04:15 /
Just gorgeous! I love the face up!
I just don't understand why some people are so down on the face up; I think the simplicity and warm tones really accentuate the face mold and look very natural and realistic! I love it! And it makes her look so curious and sweet! ^_^
augie(10-09-05 14:21 /
PLEASE Modify Delete 
TAN FLOWER FAIRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
fasitny(10-09-04 22:08 /
Amazing Modify Delete 
Her wings are stunning,I really love water drop.
calliope13(10-08-30 21:19 /
LOVE the use of clear resin Modify Delete 
The use of the clear resin for the ears and feet is wonderful. I also appreciate that the ears are different and match her water element so well. Can't wait to see what you do for fire!
Gunter(10-08-30 00:54 /
Gorgeous, and really guys, really? :/ Modify Delete 
She's absolutely adorable! <3  I love her resin parts, and her legs, omgosh, so gorgeous! She is just so, so cute! >w< (Plus water is one of my favorite elements!)  I'm really loving her wings as well. I agree of wanting to see air though, seeing that's my personal element. ^^

I'm trying to understand why people requesting to see a boy faerie one day is so bad. I'm sorry that not all things can be sparkles and sunshines with pretty woman bits all the time.  I'm very curious about how they will style the upcoming male and female faeries with each element, and yes, I'd like to see BOTH genders.  I collect mostly boy dolls, and thus of course I would be interested.  If the fact that it will have a penis on it is so insulting and disgusting to you then don't buy it?  There is no reason though to go out and comment to people to stop making requests.  As far as I'm concerned we are allowed to request for boys in the future. I highly doubt if they had started this line with two males, and people asking for females would be told to shut it. I simply think that the reaction for just ASKING that maybe one day, after 2 dozen girls (I'd hope less) that a boy faerie would be released. I'd love to see a boy, and thus I make the request for a boy faerie one day in the future, because you know WE JUST WANT OUR YAOIKAWAIICROSSDRESSING FANTASIES TO BE ANSWERED OH SO BADLY!!!1!1!! (And seriously, that comment was totally unnecessary and simply rude.)
GreyRoses(10-08-29 03:50 /
Agree...Cuprit Sculpt please! Modify Delete 
Perhaps a "Stormy Air Cuprit Unseelie Court Faery"...Oh, I would have to buy two!!! Mixi is adorable for a Water Sprite Seelie though and I LOVE her sculpt, wings, feet and dress.
SelkieLikes(10-08-28 01:36 /
Next Faery please... Modify Delete 
...Cuprit Air Faery, with a more mature face sculpt like Nenad,  would be my "dream come true" in this series.
That said, Mixi is sweet and youthful, a MUST have for me!!!
Please keep your beautiful faeries coming Soom!
JenJenny(10-08-28 00:23 /
To Sara- Modify Delete 
Really mature 1/6 boys? All of the recent ones I've seen either look like scaled down childlike 1/4 minis or have oversized stylized heads. I want a small headed 1/6 guy that looks like an older teenager or adult. I do occasionally look in the tiny forums on DoA in the hopes that I might find something I've missed but no dice. I've thought about using a Volks 1/6 Dollfie NEO GO but they're a lot more DIY than I'm comfortable with, plus not made of resin.
sara(10-08-27 23:13 /
To JenJenny Modify Delete 
This is not the place to be advertising other companies, but you'll find some if you look around.  The size is gaining popularity lately it would seem.  Try asking on doll forums if you are having no luck, I'm sure people would be willing to point you in the right direction, as there are definitely mature male tiny dolls on the market.

For Soom though, they already put so much effort into their male dolls that it is a good thing this line is getting attention for the female doll fans.
JenJenny(10-08-27 21:20 /
we NEED a fairy boy Modify Delete 
Those of us asking for a boy aren't being selfish, there aren't ANY boys available anywhere in this size. Unoa made the Azurite boy and Souldoll made Little Kimmy but that was YEARS ago and they aren't available anymore except on the secondhand market for major cash- IF you can even find one for sale. I've been wanting a mature boy in this size since I first joined the hobby 4 years ago and no company has even come close to looking like they might fill that demand until now. I don't care if Soom releases 2 dozen girl faeries as long as there's just ONE boy for us who want one.

Tell me where I can go to buy a cute 1/6 scale resin mature BJD boy right now and I'll shut up.
miki(10-08-27 11:29 /
Pretty fairy~ Modify Delete 
She's so pretty!  I love her wings, and especially her feet!  Lovely!
Good job!
Sola(10-08-27 10:36 /
Beautiful concept! Modify Delete 
I love her concept, and she is really well thought-out and executed.  I think the warm, soft faceup is a nice contrast to the fantasy theme, and makes her seem more approachable and "real."

I do not have this size or type of doll in my little family, but i am strongly considering bringing her home, just because she is so cute.  ^____^
Ladyofthefae(10-08-26 22:24 /
Hmmm Modify Delete 
Her faceup is actually much better but still doesn't suit her. I don't think warm browns and neutral tones when I think "Water Fae". And the wig should should be a pale icey blue. She's very nice but not for me. Unseelie court faes please!! :)
Miki(10-08-26 22:11 /
Hmm Modify Delete 
You say you have reworked the faceup, but it is now much less fitting to her than the previous one.
This one simply does not suit her.

Nevertheless, she is beautiful outside the faceup, and will be stunning when people give her a different look.
Well done on the wings and legs.
SelkieLikes(10-08-26 08:11 /
Captures... Modify Delete 
for me;), as much essence of a water fairy as one could in 29cm...I love her!  Nice blending of cool & warm elements.  Someone has vision!
fransyung(10-08-25 22:25 /
lovely! Modify Delete 
oh wow... she's so lovely... ^^ wonderful works, and i really love all those water drops... aww...
areeelf(10-08-25 22:24 /
I really love what you did on this design.  I think her faceup is really lovely can't wait until she goes on sale.

gnomevamp(10-08-25 22:12 /
Lovely! Modify Delete 
I usually only like boy bjds... but I am in love with her! She is beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures!!! She might have to be my first girl!!! Her face and the faceup both seem to suit her very well. Great job!
MariA(10-08-25 16:55 /
Shame! Modify Delete 
The faceup is so poor, it's very sad indeed.
The rest of her is amazing, so it's really sad to see her faceup let her down.

Cannot wait to see what other people do with her!
tina(10-08-25 16:32 /
>:u Modify Delete 
...p-please tell me thats her foot...if thats the case i'm just about ready to die :D
lunaria1(10-08-25 16:08 /
wonderful now!! Modify Delete 
oh,the faceup looks so wonderful now!!!
if that one in the background is a foot... it's sooo nice!
is the feet and wings resin blue, or just plain white to be blushed?
miwa55(10-08-25 14:53 /
Oh wow! Modify Delete 
Is that her foot? ^^^^^^^^
Magicbunny(10-08-25 10:18 /
This line keeps getting better and better! Modify Delete 
I thought Nenad was beautiful (because she really, really is), so imagine my surprise when I saw Mixi. Her innocent face, interesting concept (water droplet wings), even her wig -- all suit her perfectly. Very good job on the face-up, which highlights her soft, natural beauty. I really couldn't be happier with this doll. Whoever is creating these sculpts should be congratulated! (Best use of clear resin to date!)
sushi takoyaki(10-08-25 07:41 /
Boy doll owners can shut it Modify Delete 
There's plenty of boy dolls for your yaoikawaiicrossdressing fantasies. Come off your own goddamn pedestal already.
That said, I really like her face but that faceup is not professional looking at all!
faerionette(10-08-25 04:40 /
Very pretty
She is so pretty and sweet looking! I can't wait to see more.

To those of you who are telling people not to "demand" boy dolls, I don't see anyone here demanding boy dolls. They are simply expressing their wishes or hopes that one will be released. There is nothing selfish about that. Every time a monthly doll is released people talk about what they want instead or in addition to that doll. Also, I don't see anyone complaining about "all these girls." Again, they are just saying what they like or want. At least they aren't being rude in expressing themselves like some people here. -_-

I, for one, would also love to see a boy faery. Way back when Soom first released the Mini Gem line, I remember them saying they would release a boy as well, but that never happened. Maybe this will be the chance for people to finally get a boy in this size and style.

Thanks for creating all these lovely dolls, SOOM!
Kateness(10-08-25 02:03 /
Water Wings! Modify Delete 
I love how her wings appear to be made out of water! I wish I had money, she is so loverly!
writtenlullabye(10-08-25 01:31 /
I just hope they release her soon! I just cannot wait!
MD(10-08-25 00:53 /
Agree with Sara Modify Delete 
It's true that some folks only buy boys, but believe it or not, some of us only buy girls. ^^;  It doesn't seem quite fair to chide Soom for coming out with "all these girls", when there have only been two fairies released thus far!
sara(10-08-24 18:46 /
Not again. Modify Delete 
The people asking for boys, please stop being so selfish.
Boys already rule the bjd world, so please just give the girl fans a chance for once and stop spamming all the faery pages with your demands.  Thanks.
ladyofthefae(10-08-24 09:09 /
Pretty but... Modify Delete 
She's super pretty but the faceup is pretty horrible. The eyelashes under the eye looks very badly done. If I was to get her I'd get her without the faceup thats for sure!
ello(10-08-24 08:19 /
... Modify Delete 
for some reason i really don't like this one. i think its the face up. i agree that a boy fairy would be cool !
Avery(10-08-24 08:04 /
Lovely but... Modify Delete 
Some of us really only buy boy dolls so am hoping you come out with a snarky little fae boy. I love faeries so its sad having to pass on all these girls.
LadyPhera(10-08-24 04:49 /
WHY Modify Delete 
why would you do this to me Soom D: Another gorgeous fairy already? You know I have a weakness to them don't you? WHY? My wallet is weeping already?....
and with all that whining I really mean thank you for making a friend for Nenad <3

but please give us more time between this one and the next one....
say...half a year? 6 months sounds good right?
fhskeufh(10-08-24 01:33 /
Pretty! Modify Delete 
Hope she has larger chest than Nenad!
AMAZING!(10-08-24 00:32 /
She is beautiful! Modify Delete 
Thank you so much, these fairies are amazing! So creative and sweet! Thank you thank you thank you!
SkadiWants(10-08-23 22:56 /
Keep these little fairies coming!! Modify Delete 
These fairies are such a cute, genius idea, please make 100s of them!! NS Beryl quickly ;P
Fauna(10-08-23 21:46 /
Lovely girl! Modify Delete 
I am really enjoying these little fairies.  Looking forward to seeing more of them.  This little girl is lovelier than Nenad.
kj;ljoiju(10-08-23 21:12 /
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg buy herrrrrr Modify Delete 
