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Home > The Gem
[MD/Jul] Keny – Little Shaman
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   · Hooves Parts :
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* Ordering period : From Jul.13th. to Jul.28th.
* This period could be closed earlier then noticed time.
* If you want to have the Removing Seam service, plz click the Related Product "Removing Seam [MD] on the bottom of page.
* Please understand that it is not possible to provide 'Removing Seam Service' for 'keny'- Brown tan resin.
wniny(11-01-16 03:19 /
Why was I not in the hobby in july?! If they ever are re-released I am going to buy one in a heartbeat. I love Keny!
lulu(10-08-25 08:03 /
Gah Modify Delete 
Enough with the hooves >.<
Novae(10-07-30 04:18 /
Awww! Modify Delete 
These are adorable!
Baby buffaloes? Who would have guessed!

Never a dull moment with Soom, but still, I'm wanting more PAWS!!!
CCLollypop(10-07-23 02:15 /
Cute, but worth it?
These little guys are really cute, but I feel they are not as strong as the other tinies you have released; they seem to be missing something, their faces are cute and so is their helmet, but it feels to me as they are just lacking that something...I cant quite put my finger on it...but they are very cute! ^_^
free(10-07-14 01:38 /
Soom Modify Delete 
Can I haz this doll for free?
Irina(10-07-13 21:33 /
Shaman cane Modify Delete 
I like him very much! He is the most cute of all of you littles, by my opinion. And he will be my first soom-doll.

But I can't understand one thing. Why little shamans without shaman cane? Cane looks simple enough. Why is it so hard to made it for each doll and complected with it?
Miu(10-07-13 21:32 /
Hmm.... Modify Delete 
Well, I must say I love the hooves and of course their faces, but I´m very dissapointed they don´t come with the shaman cane and maybe some extra hands. They are very expensive for what they come with! And I really so loved that cane :(
I´ll still buy Keny though, just because his face is so lovely.
palartok(10-07-13 18:50 /
Via con me Modify Delete 
Wonderful! I really do think they're wonderful.
Their faces are deceptively understated, and so very versatile and expressive! A truly wonderful sculpt.
And thank you *so* much for making the fantasy parts optional. I think that that is a wonderful new way of selling.
You always make me happy with the beautiful dolls you release, even if I can't buy them all. It's no wonder you're my favourite company. <3
sarah(10-07-13 18:40 /
and... Modify Delete 
This one is better than normal skin though.
Normal skin is not a good colour and makeup is dull.
sarah(10-07-13 18:39 /
.... Modify Delete 
Very boring indeed.
Why are they both boys?
The heads are cute though.  Shame there are no fantasy ears and a girl version.
kamui(10-07-13 17:33 /
!!!!! Modify Delete 
Your dolls are bored!!!!
Nayami(10-07-13 13:19 /
Hm. Modify Delete 
Well. I must say the chibi skull helmet is very cute! Very nice work on that! As for the dolls themselves? I feel like its a tanned Bygg (almost) with glot or glati's hooves. Once again Im not expecting SOOM to revolve their life around us haha, but I wouldn't mind seeing something a little different. I know their giving people a chance to get hooved dolls but this is giving them too long of a chance to jump on the hoof train XD

Their pretty damn cute, but ehhh not enough to make me buy them. I did purchase a lovely Grit though, now he was to die for!
Aisha(10-07-13 08:32 /
I love them! Modify Delete 
While all of your past dolls have been gorgeous, I found them just to beautiful to add to my collection. This mini is less gorgeous than the ones in the past, and I hope to be able to afford one, as I lost my deposit on a Bygg because I didn't have the money to finish paying for him.
Kitsuneknight(10-07-13 03:47 /
Beautiful! Modify Delete 
Well, this is going to be my first impulsive purchace from Soom. (The first purchase overall was my Lupin) I love the details in these two so very much, from the expression on their face to what we've seen so far of the fantasy parts and clothing. You've done amazing work so far, please don't take recent negative comments to heart. No one has the right to use such vulgar language to criticize your work. Coquina was a wonderful doll, so were the rest of this years', even if I wasn't partial to all of them.
alexandria(10-07-13 03:15 /
Adorable!! Modify Delete 
these are the only soom tinies that i've ever liked!! i won't be able to buy them, but they look super cute!!
Silvia Browne(10-07-13 00:57 /
Coquina gave birth!!! Modify Delete 
The penis nose girl, Coquina gave birth to these twins! Chalco's not the dad of one of them! Who will it be? Stay tune on the next Maury show!
geasa(10-07-12 22:34 /
I love these little guys!  You do such beautiful work!  You're creating such a wonderful pantheon of deities and demi-gods - I wouldn't know where to start in my praise.
tallenvyaere(10-07-12 21:38 /
Fantasy parts? Modify Delete 
Hey Soom! We all love you and your works so much! Think you could post a teaser of the fantasy parts? Even just a teenie tiny bit of them? I'm sure we're all super anxious to see them! I know I am!! :D
Sajglei666(10-07-12 17:31 /
;_; Modify Delete 
Aw they are quite dull this time.
Looks like lots of people like them anyway, but please try and do something more exciting next time. Thank you!
GlitterGirl(10-07-12 11:39 /
Adorable!! Modify Delete 
Oh my - these babies are so cute!!  Those chibi skull caps are so adorable it's painful.  ^_^  And something tells me that the tan one is gonna fly out the door.  (I know I'll be ordering one!)
kikuchiyo(10-07-12 07:14 /
So cute!
These are adorable little ones Soom! I'm very much in love with the skull and very excited to see the new joints on them. The new hands look interesting as well and I can't wait to see them when they're released ^_^. Unfortunately due to already having Aphan on layaway, I can't buy these ones but I'm sure they'll make many people happy.

I think you've always done a great job on your monthlies and its a shame that people are so rude to you. Please don't listen to them because there are so many of us that love your work!
SmilinKitty(10-07-12 07:05 /
<3 <3 <3 Modify Delete 
awwwsss! too cute! and is that a three jointed elbow I see. . .? whoot!
Milu(10-07-12 01:22 /
Awwwww! Modify Delete 
Wow, I´m so in love with them! The best tinies since Bygg and Beyla! I love the little skull-hat and their faces. And if they had hooves I would be happy too, because I don´t have a hooved doll yet.
I MUST have the tan one... money, where are you? Why didn´t you release them in August... that´s my birthday! XD
TheLordlyGuy(10-07-11 23:50 /
Its the same complaints over cute dolls Modify Delete 
This seems to be becoming a habit with people, geez, you guys complain to much. How on EARTH can you decide weather the doll is bland or not when the entire body hasn't even been fully released yet? Don't judge a doll so quickly especially if its JUST a preview, like, seriously.

In all honesty, i find that these dolls looks very spectacular.
Chrys(10-07-11 16:09 /
Wonderful !!! Please make the tan resin the same…
I loved the Carmel tan color of Afi  please make Silt the same color!!  It's a great color!  I want to get a silt boy to match my Afi girl!!

I'm glad you went to a three piece elbow!

Thank You!!
anon(10-07-11 15:02 /
Meh Modify Delete 
Faces are cute, the rest not so much.
marionbearmaker(10-07-11 06:25 /
Fantastic little ones ! Modify Delete 
They are really marvelous, thanks so much for the hard work ! These molds are so lovely, the make-up adorable and the tan color looks wonderful ! The little skull is really cute, so well designed ! I hope I manage to order the little tan one !
emeril(10-07-11 02:42 /
So Cute~ Modify Delete 
I don't care what other people have been saying, I loved the last MD and I'm really hoping I can get this little one...
I've never had a teenie before, but I've always wanted one since Afi, so hopefully this month my dream will come true! ;A;
riot(10-07-10 17:46 /
Unlike a lot of people I guess, I really love them! I don't think they're boring at all! Whether or not I purchase is dependent upon the fantasy parts, but its a tentative buy from me!
pikachuuuuu(10-07-10 15:34 /
Hm Modify Delete 
I agree that these two are quite simple this time.
Would be nice to see you push the boundaries on the teeny gem MD releases a little more.
You were close with Grit and Syen.  Grits blue makeup and blushing was very stunning.
These two might be cute if they had much stronger face up and less boring colored clothes.

The faces are cute though and the new body is exciting.
mary(10-07-10 13:40 /
Definitely the weakest tiny so far. Modify Delete 
Not impressed this time, but confident you can do a better job next time!
Looking forward to the next little ones!
tallenvyaere(10-07-10 12:06 /
Tan? *cries* Modify Delete 
I knew you were going to release a tan kid! I'm really sad I chose not to get Afi, because owner pics showed that he had gorgeous caramel colored resin that was to die for!!

My wallet is not a fan of this doll, but I AM!! YAAAAYYYY!! I can't wait until they go on sale!!
Kae(10-07-10 06:08 /
Awwwh! Modify Delete 
It's like Appini x Winnie Dee! These boys are just adorable, and I especcialy love those skulls. It's hard to make skulls cute but those definitely are! Can't wait for more pics.
Ellen728(10-07-10 01:56 /
Sooooooo Q!!!!
Panda Queen(10-07-10 01:54 /
Beautiful Modify Delete 
I'm really loving the very earthy feel to a lot of your dolls recently they almost have a very first nations twist to them.

These two are utterly adorible, I can't wait to see the rest of them. The skull is already just so amazing and their faces are lovely. I like what I see so far for there outfits and the wigs.

Looking forward to their release keep up the good work!
River(10-07-09 22:43 /
Fantastic work~ Modify Delete 
I'll definitely be buying the Tan boy, he's utterly adorable and I can't wait to see the new jointing system! I really hope you're considering implementing similar updates to the super gem body, as much as I love your dolls the elbow joints especially have always been a source of frustration.
Lusis(10-07-09 21:30 /
wow, again? Modify Delete 
Are people complaining...again?


If you've noticed soom has almost always released a tiny version of their monthlies :\ that's their system. it works. Always has.

So seriously knock off the "How uncreative! Spitting the same stuff out!" crap.

If you don't like, don't comment. easy.

I won'tbe ordering these dolls myself due to lack of fund and a current layaway caussing it, but they are VERY cute : ) well done soom.
Brighteyes(10-07-09 21:01 /
2 Beauties!!
they are both just incredible, i love them *____*
haru(10-07-09 19:29 /
cute! Modify Delete 
wahh babies for my chalco! do want.
i wish to see Hedus in tan as the next SG boy!
Despinad(10-07-09 18:02 /
Nice joints Modify Delete 
I am sorry to say that lately you have been recycling the same ideas over and over again. These new tinies are not impressive nor original at all, but I will say that they are extremely cute!!! Very adorable!! Also bravo for the new joints! That was very nice of you!
ix_tab(10-07-09 16:51 /
Thrilled! Modify Delete 
I missed previous the previous tan MD, and have been waiting to see what SOOM would produce next.

I am over the moon with these two. Their faces are darling, they are a lovely resin shade, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the full reveal of them.
0V0(10-07-09 16:10 /
So Cute! Modify Delete 
mask is cute~!Lovely~
JustLula(10-07-09 16:03 /
Love them!! Modify Delete 
First off THANK YOU Soom for making better joints!!!! I've been hoping
for a long long time that you would give your dolls double joints...I'm so
impressed with you! Your teenie gem MDs are my absolute favorite so it
pains me greatly that I won't be able to buy little Silt. :-( I wish you would
have longer MD release periods.....
These little babies look adorable & I can't wait to see the rest of their pictures.
Please don't listen to the negative are my favorite doll company
and you have been surprising ALL of us lately with your MD & LE releases. I wish I
could afford all of them. Keep up the amazing work and if you are ever pressed for
ideas a lot of us @ DOA would LOVE to see more fantasy resin colors:purple, green
& pink dolls would make us go crazy, in a good way!! :-) And what better way to test
new resin colors then on the teenie MDs??
Koitten(10-07-09 14:17 /
Love Em! Modify Delete 
I was waiting for another tan tiny. I am entirely too pleased with these two! Infact...I think I need both of them!
They're just perfect. And boo on the nay-sayers.
VileKitteh(10-07-09 13:14 /
CUTE!! Modify Delete 
Little baby water buffalo!! Ooo VERY Cute!! The chibi helmet is adorable as well! Great job!
Ellanie(10-07-09 11:02 /
Not creative? Not so! Modify Delete 
They are going with a Native American theme. That's new, different from what they've done.

Plus, look at those double-jointed elbows!
Meh(10-07-09 10:49 /
SOOM seems to be running out of ideas Modify Delete 
I've been really disappointed in your work recently SOOM. Breccia seems to have been your last fresh idea. Even though many of the MD are made to compliment each other, and she was somewhat "matched" with Chrom, she was still very unique. Last month's dolls were unattractive and the big girl was boring. This month is more dull still. There's nothing that's really making them stand out. And I'm still waiting for a lizard theme, or a western dragon. There's so much more to do, what happened to all your creativity?
bandit1971(10-07-09 06:05 /
Oh no!! I'm doomed! I just ordered a Syen, and now you bring out these cuties?? Tan AND Normal Skinned? I already know I'm going to end up buying Keny >__<
He's way cute. And I'm assuming, they'll both be humans. As they seem to be Shamans. And I do like the fact that it looks like they have new joints..... <3 I can't wait to see more of them!
KuroiAisu(10-07-09 05:12 /
cute! Modify Delete 
These are the most adorable tinies to date. The little tan one has a bit of an attitude. I don't think hooves are borning at all. I'm always so impressed with the variety of hooves you can come up with. While they are still hooves they're always different from the others. Keep doing what you're doing soom.
Dolly(10-07-09 03:21 /
Adorable! Modify Delete 
These look wonderful so far! Their faces are darling and those masks are the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. ;) I hope they do have hooves -- I passed on Afi and Ai due to the lack of mobility and have been waiting for another hooved tiny with better jointing.
Elysse(10-07-09 02:40 /
Sweet! :) Modify Delete 
They look so sweet! Not boring at all, in my opinion!

I love their neutral, calm, subtle faces. :)

Keep up the great work!
Spekle(10-07-09 02:18 /
WWHHYYY??? Modify Delete 
Why are they so ADORABLE?????
they are so...cute...i believe im...soomed, and I don't even care about what fantasy parts they have, i just want now.
exu(10-07-09 01:42 /
hooves? Modify Delete 
Their helmets are adorable, but I kind of hope they don't have hooves :/ I think it would be interesting to try Euclase legs or wings again on a tiny!
yes(10-07-09 00:16 /
yes Modify Delete 
uhm YES!
Remmah(10-07-08 22:53 /
Oops, yeah. SOOM'D! Modify Delete 
Well, I was hoping I'd like this months doll. And one look at these two an it's over. I'll be stalking the page waiting for them to be onsale!
bibibobo(10-07-08 22:31 /
Again? Modify Delete 
The same thing again?  Cute enough, but some new ideas please!
LOVE THEM!(10-07-08 21:30 /
OHHhHHHH Modify Delete 
thye are amazing love hes tiny skull ! and the tan sking is sooo cute!!! i hope they have tiny hooves!like chalco!
****(10-07-08 20:36 /
Oh well. Modify Delete 
Not so impressive this time, but this leaves more money for next time!
Alder(10-07-08 18:25 /
^~^ Modify Delete 
I think they're absolutely adorable! They're definitely being added to my list of wants~
Keltxo(10-07-08 18:23 /
Wooo Chibi Chalcoooos!!! Modify Delete 
So cute!!! i want one of the to do a chibi Ziiiii!!! (my Chalco XDXDXD) want more photooos!!!
lula555(10-07-08 18:21 /
weak Modify Delete 
the weakest tiny you have released.
maybe you released too many dolls at once so have less time to release a good doll here?
the skull at is cute though.
Sarah(10-07-08 18:11 /
New Joints Modify Delete 
Very uninspired and boring dolls, but the new joint system is exciting.
AngelicOphelia(10-07-08 18:06 /
Relieved... Modify Delete 
I think they are definitely adorable, but I'm not into the teenies myself, so I'm relieved that nothing I really want to buy is coming out this month lol.  I'll let everyone else who does like them enjoy them for me :)
gridbug(10-07-08 18:03 /
OMG *_* Modify Delete 
Wow!! Now these are the little ones I've been waiting for! I can't wait to see more, they just look so gorgeous~! I'm definitely going to be getting the tan one to go with my Afi~
pipasm(10-07-08 18:03 /
I'd been hoping not to be got by the tinies this month, but that tan one is screaming out to me with his beautiful design. Someone pointed out that it looks like you've got a new jointing system for the elbow? Either way, I'm definitely in trouble!
