MarinaGolubeva1978(15-04-07 00:43 / Heliot beauty. Please sell this mold again!
ccloudyy(14-10-18 12:33 / Please re-release!! Another Heliot with unicorn parts!!!!!!!!!! He is so beautiful like this!
Ophelia(13-02-05 09:58 / Golly Golly I hope they re release him! I would snatch him up in a heartbeat!
Ophelia(12-07-05 07:28 / Please... Im willingly to not buy anything and save up money if you just re-open for this beauty :')
Im just...I have no words to describe my love for him ^^
Jijiya(12-01-27 11:17 / O M G God he looks like Jareth the Goblin King. He reminds me so much of Jareth.. he is absolutely gorgeous.. very nice. If he were more within my price range I would be watching this release like a hawk.. I dunno if you re-release or not.. I am so picky and this doll wins.. Nice job!
Me and me(10-12-21 04:42 / Release him! Please! I fall in love with Heliot!!!
vgcf(10-12-15 08:37 / =V=~~ So beautiful! I love him!
Please, re-release this doll
kyanthe(10-11-09 14:12 / MD Event sale Heliot/tory_kiss@mail.ru/Kovrigina Victoria/kyanthe
Embellish(10-10-08 07:18 / <3 <3 <3 Please, re-release this doll
I love Heliot *0*
hikarusbestfreind(10-08-13 00:54 / re-release please re-release him he is perfect in every way he was the first doll i have ever wanted he is what got me into this hobby he is what inspires me every day to keep up work an go on doa's market place every day willing to pay as much as $3000 and if he were re-released i wud by him in a heart-beat
sylvie(10-03-02 22:35 / sell again!! pls sell this doll again.we love him!!
milern(09-09-21 12:01 / ) If ever...If only... The doll is positively stunning. Both Heliot and Sard; if ever re-released. I would order them in a heartbeat. As my would be first dolls. it\'s either Heliot or Sard or NOTHING! By gods. to have them for decorative purposes alone. would be a pleasure... Please re-release him SOOM. If only for a second.
Sola(09-08-19 11:30 / )
Acunetix(09-04-21 00:46 / ) Mr.
Crecia(09-04-03 03:19 / ) Re-Release? I really hope you will re-release him in the future. I missed out the first time! If he comes out again I will snatch him up in a heart beat!
Mayra(09-02-12 21:47 / ) This is art I want this one avaible again. Please! :-)
Arnel(09-02-05 02:01 / ) My first favorite This is the very first favorite doll. How I wish I could get him. LOL
Cin(09-01-31 00:16 / ) <33 Luv! *o* <33
Wolter(09-01-30 20:41 / ) LOVE aww... he is just sooo hot!! <3
bebidolls(09-01-15 00:24 / ) woow very very amazing. i love him!!!
4124082(09-01-14 14:54 / ) Expect Perfect
Spacergue(09-01-12 20:14 / ) my opinion I totally love his face .but the hooves look sloppy to me and well since its about those I can\'t buy this doll (sadly enough) I\'m sorry to say it but it looks like you guys took the Sard hoves and put some putty in the gap without completely filling it up I will wait jet again. but is a horse hoved doll a possibility ? Cuz I\'m sorta waiting on that :) rating 4/5 cuz hes wonderful . but just not perfect for me ^^
miraja(09-01-04 02:19 / ) obviously did not understand the point "Obviously MaryC77 did not understand the statement made. My comment about being disrespectful and immature. had to do with the \""name calling\"". NOT with being in disagreement. I specifically stated that all are entitled to their own opinion. I never stated that I agreed or disagreed with either person\'s opinions either....... I do want to extend many thanks to Soom for their beautiful dolls. They truely are works of art!"
(09-01-03 16:52 / ) ԭ
MC(09-01-03 11:06 / ) This will be my last comment on the subject... "I am leaving a second comment. first. because I accidentally left only three stars above when I meant to leave five. because yes. Heliot is that wonderful and I already ordered him several days ago. And second. because (in response to miraja) I do not see anything disrespectful in disagreeing with someone else\'s opinion about limitation of dolls. In addition to ordering Heliot. I have bought several dolls from Soom in the past. as well as clothing. and I would like to make known to Soom that I do not want any sort of \""reward\"" for my patronage that will unjustly deprive others of a chance to purchase. The beautiful dolls themselves are their own reward. I know Soom will run its business as it sees fit. but I would not want them to think that all their customers think a doll is less special if more of that doll is sold. That is certainly not how I feel. and it is not at all immature to so state. Thank you and Happy New Year."
miraja(09-01-03 01:19 / ) Show a little respect and maturity for all.... Come on guys. newbie or experienced collector or not. everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and name calling just shows lack of respect and maturity. Either way. Soom will conduct their business and their lovely dolls as they see fit. And Heliot is a stunning work of art! There is absolutely no doubt about that!
Valerie(09-01-02 16:08 / ) Wow I have been fascinated by your monthy dolls since I learned about them but when I saw Heliot my breat was stolen away. I wish I had the funds to bring him into my home. if I get the opportunity in the very. very near furture. I will definately take it. He is amazing.
MC(09-01-02 09:57 / ) Agree with KM "Soom. this doll is gorgeous. This is the first of the Monthly dolls that I really loved. Now I\'m interested to see if he will have a ladyfriend released for January (Capricorn) ;-) And I agree with the previous person. Please. release just as many of Heliot as you planned. Don\'t listen to people who want you to cut the release short so their doll will be more \""special\"" or \""worth more\"". Keys. if you want a super rare unique doll. I suggest you customize him yourself or have doll artists do it so you can have an OOAK. If. on the other hand. you just want the value of the doll to stay high so you can resell him later for more money. I feel truly sorry for you for misunderstanding the point of this hobby. Either way. your telling Soom how to run their business is out of place on this board. especially since as KM said some people need a little time to organize their money and buy Heliot."
KM777(09-01-02 07:51 / ) Keys. you\'re an idiot. Keys. He is available til Jan. 14th. period. Just because you want a rarer doll doesn\'t make it fair or even right to expect Soom to lower their sales or interrupt their plan. And that isn\'t even beginning to discuss all of us other Heliot-worshippers who ARE going to get him. but need a couple extra days to arrange for it. Seriously dude. Also. Soom. I LOVE Heliot to pieces... I\'ll be ordering soon. He\'ll be the perfect mortal foe for my Sard. Hehheh. But can you put up some closeup pics of his hooves? They look really interesting in shape but it\'s hard to see that shape in the current pics. Love you guys!!! <3
Keys(09-01-02 07:27 / ) Releasing more Please dont release anymore. Love the Doll but releasing more will lower its appeal and WOW factor. For those of us who watch your site deligently and were waiting on this type of Doll and placed our order. should be rewarded for our patronage.
Anna Marie(09-01-02 02:07 / ) i forgot to rate this properly 5 stars XD
Anna Marie(09-01-02 02:04 / ) wonderful very lovely. i love the face up. the clothes are very well made. you have outdone yourselves with the props.
Airee(09-01-01 00:26 / ) waiting for a restock same here ;/
Rebecca(08-12-31 23:08 / ) Please re-open the orders Just a few hours to late...please. let us order him again. He\'d made my new year but by the time I got home to order he was gone =(
Jenn(08-12-30 16:04 / ) GORGEOUS He is incredibly beautiful! Lovely lovely boy; I love the boy and arrow.
guest(08-12-30 09:28 / ) <3 Beautiful. but is there any chance of soom seling hoofs seperately? :) They\'re simply gorgeous!
Murasaki9(08-12-30 04:14 / ) I Love it but sold out before I can even look at i… I am so in love with this doll. It is so beautiful. It is only the morningo of the 29th and I cannot buy one. It is already gone. I am very sad and disappointed that I cannot buy a doll from Soom. Maybe someday. It seems a little hard if there is no way to order if they sell in minutes.
Gull(08-12-29 23:32 / ) In awe Wow he is just stunning. I am in utter awe! He is definately coming home as soon as I can afford him! Everything about him is perfect! Thank you again Soom for such an incredibly graceful creation. your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Would it be possible to see clearer/larger pictures of the hooves?
Marilyn(08-12-29 21:35 / ) Breathtaking! Bravo! You have created a magical creature who combines the beauty of the Unicorn. and the grace and powere of a Pegasus with the artistry of the talented designers at Soom. Heliot is beautiful. Another fantastic product from your company!
centi(08-12-29 12:47 / ) come on sooom show us more show us more. The anticipation has me on the edge of my seat and about to fall on the floor! Love his face...really want to see more camera angles and the rest of his body u__u
lazulistar(08-12-28 12:14 / ) My Favorite! Soom Heliot is a DREAM come true! I haven\'t even seen the rest of him. but I know I want him. Also you released teaser pics on the 24th which was my birthday! What a surprise! Its like he\'s meant to be mine! I LOVE Unicorns and Kirins. he\'s simply my favorite out of all your dolls. he has to come home to me! ^__^ Bravo on releasing a GEM of a doll!
TT(08-12-28 04:55 / ) UPDATES? More info and pics plz ! He is gorgeous!
murasaki9(08-12-28 02:23 / ) Very beautiful but how may I order? I would like to order a doll sometime but this already says it is sold out! I am on the subscription list now also. I am confused as how to order so I may buy a doll sometime. These are very. very beautiful dolls and I feel they are top qualtiy.
blackbird(08-12-27 13:42 / ) Soom does it again Soom. your creativity continues to amaze me. I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures of the newest creature you have created for us. Simply breathtaking!
Alexandra(08-12-27 10:19 / ) wow! he is nice!
Julie(08-12-27 09:16 / ) Please show more pictures... we are dying here! really... on pins and needles.
Mechel(08-12-27 03:26 / ) Hoofs. Horns and Wings?? Oh wow! I hope this one is like Sard or Beryl. like wings. horns and hoofs. I hope. I hope!!! Perfect companion for Topaz.
Katri(08-12-26 22:40 / ) He\'s gorgeous! I\'ll be in trouble if his body is as gorgeous as his head ;w;
Shilene(08-12-26 21:29 / ) omg Oh my god such a beauty
kyo_man(08-12-26 19:36 / )
OMG........ Where
Marilyn(08-12-26 00:18 / ) Stunning! I can\'t wait to see more. So far. he is just gorgeous.
-(08-12-25 21:28 / ) 4455415 -0-
ko(08-12-25 20:00 / ) The face is like modified Versuvia The face is like modified Versuvia
xiaoyu(08-12-25 19:08 / )
Jeanne(08-12-25 17:36 / ) Strong desire I agree with nightfeather! I wish I could get him. but layaway isn\'t enough. I\'ve already got one on Layaway and I can\'t afford him. ;_; I want so badly to get him. but I can\'t afford higher payments.
(08-12-25 11:21 / )
Lane(08-12-25 09:16 / ) Oh... He\'s pretty. Though I had been hoping for something that would rival the Sard. or at least reach that level. Close. but not quite. Keep up the good work though. because it\'s obvious this guy has won a lot of hearts. :)
catw07(08-12-25 02:43 / ) Heliot Wow. just wow! I can\'t wait to see his body too!
KM777(08-12-25 01:03 / ) GORGEOUS. Oh. man.... he\'s so perfect. Yet again. you prove beyond doubt that Soom\'s the best company out there. I absolutely cannot wait to see his body.... I have so many ideas but its always a pleasant surprise! I have a feeling I\'ll be ordering this one..... :3
Abel(08-12-24 23:39 / ) Wow. o3o Wow. Total. Gorgeousness. Soom. you did it again. You closed 2008 with one of the most perfect dolls ever. I can\'t wait to see more pictures of him... his face is just the most stunning thing I\'ve ever seen!! So want... sooooooo want! x_x Please wait a layway from me! xD
Lazuli(08-12-24 22:20 / ) Happy Birthday to ME! *___* WOW. Total.Dream.Doll. And for him to be released on my birthday is a no brainer. He must come home. hooves or no hooves!
lamu(08-12-24 20:59 / ) o3o It\'s like Beryl o______O
Sze Sze(08-12-24 19:24 / ) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREATTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really should consider to launch a instalment plan for your customers..... I want to buy every monthly doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pendrithgirl(08-12-24 18:58 / ) WOOOOOOOW omg....wow...o.o I knew this month\'s would be great...but you really have outdone yourselves o.o cant wait for more pics!!
bear(08-12-24 17:38 / )
TRon(08-12-24 17:27 / )
(08-12-24 17:25 / ) ̫
estherwong(08-12-24 17:23 / ) long time to wait Want to see more photos ........plz T_T
AnchShi(08-12-24 17:12 / ) OMG My bank is gonna kill me... Soom. WHY??? Do you want me dead?)))))))))) Omg. he\'s perfect))))))))))
hatshepsut(08-12-24 16:54 / ) 80%
saturn(08-12-24 16:51 / ) LOVE LOVE LOVE Beautiful!!!