Home > Mecha Angel
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: Soom
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* including :

- assembled Deneb doll(normal skin type only)
- Owner's Guide & certificate of authenticity
- Magnet for head & head cap

※For attaching a Head parts magnet

You drop one drop of glue, and you fix in magnet halls of Head as pushing the above magnet. Head cap attaches a magnet in ways same as above. At this time you shall let you leave for the poles to the inside that you were opposite to Head magnet.

* options:
- face up
- body brushing

*  Mecha Angel Measurement[Female Type]

- Weight: 2344g
- Overall Height: 79cm
- Head Circumference: 23.5cm
- Eye size: 14mm
- Neck Circumference: 11cm
- Chest Circumference: 31.5cm
- Shoulder Width: 11.5cm 
- Bottom Circumference: 21.5cm
- Arm Length: 22cm
- Wrist Circumference: 6.5cm
- Hip Circumference: 32cm
- Thigh Circumference: 18.2cm
- Leg Length: 39.5cm
- Ankle Circumference: 8.8cm
- Feet Length: 8cm

JuLy(12-02-04 17:37)
She is almost perfect!
This girl is really cool! True and the most beautiful woman! ♥♥♥
Max(09-07-20 09:21)
Beautiful Modify Delete 
Very Lovely. The photography is wonderful
Acunetix(09-04-21 00:47)
Mr. Modify Delete 
BERGER(08-10-15 18:07)
I hope offer myself this beauty one day..
She is my preference ^^ Very beautiful face.... Fantastic body..
>_>(08-10-08 03:09)
Plis soom. make her as a boy one day.
surreality(08-06-16 15:48)
Truly Remarkable!
Deneb is a truly amazing doll. I ordered Deneb in normal skin. with face-up (as shown). sanding service. and body blushing. She arrived in beautiful condition and we were in complete awe of this lovely doll. The detail in her faceup is wonderful. and the colors are very beautiful. with a subtle shimmer. Her head sculpt is very expressive. and can easily look glamourous. imperious. or thoughtful. I am very pleased with my purchase. and will definitely be ordering more dolls in this series in the future.