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[FFD] Sabik
   · Price :
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· Manufacturing company
: Soom
   · Face up :
   · Body blushing :
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* including :

- assembled Sabik doll(normal skin type)
- Owner's Guide & certificate of authenticity
- Magnet for head & head cap

※For attaching a Head parts magnet

You drop one drop of glue, and you fix in magnet halls of Head as pushing the above magnet. Head cap attaches a magnet in ways same as above. At this time you shall let you leave for the poles to the inside that you were opposite to Head magnet.

* options :

- face up
- body brushing

sicot69(18-08-17 22:27)
soom mecha angel Modify Delete 
Yo tengo uno y es precioso cada día me gusta mas
damhien(13-05-28 14:50)
will he be in sale again? T_T
will he be in sale again?T_______________________T he's amazing T_______T!!!
linakein(10-11-15 02:51)
I'm in love))
Wonderful boy! I loved!
jessa rose(10-10-20 06:21)
cool! Modify Delete 
this doll is soo cool !  :) i am mezmerized that people can create such real looking dolls in 2010! :)
Jenn(09-08-02 00:47)
This guy has slowly been growing on me... I really like this sculpt!
Alexandria(09-07-06 11:21)
luv Modify Delete 
i love him!!! absolutly stunnig! his body is very well done. the very last picture he almost looks like Zen from blank slate. would love to buy him. but i gots no money :(
Chantelle(09-04-24 03:00)
This boy is amazing. hes good to pose and very photo-genic. I got this as my first doll and couldn\'t be happier! He\'s worth the money. An all over beautiful boy doll to get!
RebeccaG(09-03-07 00:46)
Perfect! Modify Delete 
Perfect doll in every way. I love my Sabik so. Easily the faveorite of all my dolls. I\'d never be without him and his gorgeous self!
(09-01-19 03:39)
:: Modify Delete 
Sabik- miracle. magic youth. Tomorrow order him. I hope that long waiting an order will not be necessary...^^
(08-10-28 21:14)
I love... Modify Delete 
It\'s my love...
Caro(08-10-21 11:34)
Sabik is my favorite of the male mecha angels. I love him.
Karin(08-10-01 21:05)
My dreams came true!
Today my Sabik arrived (including default faceup and bodybrushing) and I am totally stunned of his beauty! Since I saw his pictures on this site and of other owners. I started to love him so much. But when I finally held him in my own hands today I almost cried because he looks so wonderful! You might laugh. but his face has such a mind-blowing expression. he really seems alife! If you ever get the chance to see Sabik in real life. you will know what I mean. Soom\'s artists didn\'t only just made a doll. they created an artwork with soul. Like a dream came true - for me it really happened. Thank you so much. Soom!!
Blueflash(08-09-24 19:52)
Dreams made of resin!
"My Sabik arrived and he is so wonderful!!! I have never seen such a beautiful doll! I love to see the light on his face and body. He is so wonderful sculpted... I had ordered incl. seaming/sanding and body-brushing - and this was a really good idea! He looks like alive! If you watch all the fotos you can see how seams look like - and decide. wether they disturb you or not... I ordered Sabik with optional eyes - and was a bit worried. because they are called \""soft black\"". But in natural I would call them \""light grey\"" and I absolutely love them! If you want to order Sabik. think about jointed hands. The hands are on hooks - it should be easy to change them... (had I known this earlier...!) And if you have any questions - the communication via Q&A-board is excellent! Thank you. SOOM! Stefani"
watermark(08-09-17 19:00)
OH MY!!! Modify Delete 
OH MY GOD!!!!! my dream man !!!!!!!!
crionigirl(08-09-07 15:11)
Simply Beautiful Modify Delete 
Wow. Sabik is such- an AMAZING doll. After looking at the soom gallery and seeing some size comparisons. I realized just how BIG he really was! Some people may not like big. too much to carry around I guess. But I think that doll wise. bigger is better :D Better photos. and more cuddling! Hee! For all you doll lovers out there. Sabik is an absolute MUST! I hope to get one of my own someday too. :D
koiyu(08-08-28 15:36)
WOW! Sabik is beautiful! Completely and utterly gorgeous and I want him. When you are available i WILL buy you! As an artist myself. i\'m blown away at this perfection! XD
Nadia81(08-08-22 22:15)
Yes! Modify Delete 
Yes! I\'ll order him!
Nadia81(08-08-17 23:10)
It\'s the most beautiful doll I\'ve seen! I am looking for it will be available to order it!a That's a pity... only white Sabik and Elf perhaps will be available in September. I'd prefer this doll(.
Liv-Borghild(08-08-08 21:05)
I am so saving up money for this guy now! He is gorgeous!! Oh boy I can\'t stand to wait until I can finally buy him..sigh!
Liv-Borghild(08-08-08 21:03)
I am so saving up money for this guy now! He is gorgeous!! Oh boy I can\'t stand to wait until I can finally buy him..sigh!
Salvagore(08-07-16 09:28)
Want this man~ Modify Delete 
Saving for him now...his face is so nice :) I hope once I have the money for him his FFD month will be around again!
Paula(08-07-06 07:04)
On my list of have to have!
Christina(08-06-25 14:36)
GORGEOUS DOLL! Modify Delete 
This handsome doll is just gorgeous! Everything about him is... well hot! XD I can\'t wait to order him on FFD! Just an amazing doll. =)
Mei(08-06-24 00:17)
*_* Modify Delete 
He is totally stunning! I want him so badly but but but... sold out... T_T
christina(08-06-22 10:48)
very gorgeous boy!!! his face i love soo much- the way it is shaped and he has very beautiful eyes with a color i adore. =)
Jen(08-03-15 10:49)
Next FFD?
OHMYGOSH!~ I\'m absolutely in love with this boy. When is his next FFD month? Currently saving up for him. X3
Aunesty_Lie(08-03-08 10:11)
Sexy Sabik! Modify Delete 
I love the picture with the gun! He looks so sexy! Reminds me of a mobster from an Ayano Yamane manga!
Hideto(07-05-22 15:57)
Top Quality
"I forgot to log in above: So many people have talked about Dollshe Hound/Saint/Bernard for so long for his realism and size. claiming there\'s nothing comparable. For once. a company has come out with a doll easily rivalling if not EXCEEDING the Dollshe series. Sabik is a triumph of resin. with exquisitely realistic features and true personality in his facial features. This versatile doll is great no matter what character you may have in mind. from sweet to seductive. Make the versatility. the realism. the quality. and the affordability your \""dream doll\"". Choose Soom Sabik."
Hideto(07-05-22 15:53)
Top quality Modify Delete 
"So many people have talked about Dollshe Hound/Saint/Bernard for so long for his realism and size. claiming there\'s nothing comparable. For once. a company has come out with a doll easily rivalling if not EXCEEDING the Dollshe series. Sabik is a triumph of resin. with exquisitely realistic features and true personality in his facial features. This versatile doll is great no matter what character you may have in mind. from sweet to seductive. Make the versatility. the realism. the quality. and the affordability your \""dream doll\"". Choose Soom Sabik."
Azzrinna(07-05-03 12:44)
I love you soom! Modify Delete 
i love the gun photo. please dont remove it. only remove it when they stop selling guns legally in US^^. next they will tell u to remove the smoking pic from gena\'s smoky day bcoz smoking is bad for health. then they will tell you not to do gothic doll bcoz it promotes satanism. later they will tell you not to pose ur dolls suggestively bcoz it promotes immorality. Your doll is so lovely. and I wish very much to own it. but the size is intimidating my family T_T (they say No! Such big thing will really kill u in ur sleep! ) but thats what i like abt it. SO SEXYY!! CANT WAIT FOR UR OTHER MECHAS!!
Anon(07-05-01 16:24)
Please don\'t censor your pictures! Modify Delete 
Beautiful doll! I hope will will be up for sale again soon! Please DON\'T remove the photos with a gun in them. There is no reason you should have to sensor yourself. The photos with a gun are artistic and not offensive. If people want to worry over if their children see these images they should watch what their kids are doing on the internet better. These dolls are for adults and not children in any case.
Dollover(07-04-30 15:42)
Absolutely Gorgeous!!! Modify Delete 
He\'s truly breathtaking! Beautifully sculpted. Five big stars for Sabik! (yeah. those violent Anime and video games do influence youngsters.)
(07-04-26 13:02)
Gorgeous Doll Modify Delete 
Please remove the gun photo from your website. It\'s very disturbing to see a beautiful doll posed in such a violent fashion especially in light of what is going on in the world with weapons.
C(07-04-19 23:55)
I LOVE Modify Delete 
Will also produce?
Jazz(07-04-17 20:15)
Pics Modify Delete 
He is gorgeous - but. please. I think you should take the picture of him with a gun off of your site.
Ket(07-04-07 21:02)
Fantasy! Modify Delete 
He is pleasant to me madly. but I do not have such money. I sit at a computer and to crying : ((((((
Nancy(07-04-01 12:24)
Sabik is home!
My Sabik arrived and he is wonderful! Soom did a superb job on this doll! He is tall and very well proportioned! I got the works. seam sanding. blushing and face up and he is beautifully finished! I wasn\'t sure about the soft black eyes. but I ordered them and I love them in person. The clothes I ordered are wonderful! I am very happy! It was very nice getting him so quickly! Soom\'s service and communication were outstanding!
Sue(07-03-28 09:57)
Sabik arrived today
He is tall but he still looks in proportion with my other dolls. the sculpt is superb and very detailed with veins on the arms. I got the seam sanding done for him and I can\'t find a seam anywhere. He looks skinny in Soom photos but is very natural in real life. He stands and poses well. He is absolutely fantastic. I can\'t wait until you release some more Mecha Angels. I\'ve started saving already.
Yumi(07-03-25 12:47)
Excellent Modify Delete 
Received him today! He is amazing! Love his faceup. body poses like a dream. Thank you for creating such a lovely doll!
Pepstar(07-03-25 09:30)
I am in LOVE! Modify Delete 
This is by far. the best boy doll I\'ve ever owned. The body is fantastic in both form and function. He stands. sits and poses wonderfully without flopping all over the place or popping out at the chest joint like the other tall dolls. I wish all the dolls were made this well and I hope Soom makes more in the future! BRAVO!!!!!
Akkhima(07-03-25 05:02)
Wow Modify Delete 
"He\'s gorgeous. but he\'s just a bit TOO big! 1/3 scale doll at 60 cm = 180 cm person or 5\' 11\"" 1/3 scale doll at 80 cm = 240 cm person or 7\' 10\"" Too tall!"
=^0^=(07-03-14 22:32)
O__O Modify Delete 
OMG is he limited?????? I hope not!!!!!! >.< he is sooo amazing.....I love this boy....I want this boy..but....I have no money ;__; its a pity >.<
Angelica(07-03-14 02:39)
He\'s beautiful.. Modify Delete 
He\'s really stunning! Such great joints! He\'s perfect!
MOKO(07-03-12 16:13)
Modify Delete 
It\'s so good~>3< oh~I love~~!!!\'s sold out QDQ
Kirstin(07-03-09 01:00)
Oh man @w@
He is absolutly GORGEOUS!! I can\'t wait to order him
Karasawa Dani(07-03-07 21:53)
*v* Modify Delete 
This doll is amazing. Wonderful boy! I loved! *v*