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Home > The Gem > NOTICE
Date : 14-11-17 17:54
[Check]About "Phonolus - Rauco of Feer" limited sale
 Writer : soom
Hit : 1,769  
Hello! Soomers <3 <3

Good day.
There is an important notice for everyone.

Few people, who bought Phonolus (Only doll) can not paid yet that it was cancelled.
So we will open again on 19th NOV 11:00 AM (Current korea time) for Phonolus again.

- We only sell 1 full set sale Phonolus. ( NO Layaway Available )
- We only sell cancellation amount of Phonolus (only doll)
- When exhausted the limited quantity Event period Finished!

That offers great opportunities for missing soomers !

 I’ll look forward to it.

Best regards,
Soom Korea

