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Home > The Gem > NOTICE
Date : 14-09-23 15:00
Ldoll Special Doll
 Writer : soom
Hit : 10,475  

Hello, dear SoOmers <3 <3


To celebrate our first attendance to the Ldoll in Double Mixte Convention Center
Villeurbanne,Lyon, France on October 18 to 19.
We will release "Amber – Dark Spirit" 2014 L-doll Special ONE-OFF Model!!


This doll will be available in this information:


* Including:
+ Amber Head (Pointy Ears)
+ Dark Spirit Amber LE Grey Skin Body  (NOT including Human Part )(Old Super Gem Female body)
-Dark Spirit Horns (Black Transparent)
-Dark Spirit Arms & Hands
-Dark Spirit Waist & Tail
-Dark Spirit Legs & Feet & Hooves (Only Hooves –is made of (Black Transparent)

+ Face up & Body Blushing (LE)
+14mm SOOM Eyes : LE
+ Wig : LE
+ Outfit : LE

More details about the event:

Please be looking forward to it, and come to visit us at the SOOM booth if you attend the convention.^^

Best wishes,

