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Home > The Gem > NOTICE
Date : 07-09-18 12:29
Fail to make payment by credit card
 Writer : clover
Hit : 2,593  

There are many reasons that you fail to make payment by credit card. When you have any problem with your credit card payment, please check the fallowings:

1. Our website is optimized for Internet Explorer 5.0. if your browser is not Internet Explorer, some problem can be occured.

2. Explorer>Tool> Permit the 'pop up'.

3. Remove the Tool bar which offerd from Yahoo or Google.

4. Wrong information when making payment. Payment errors may occur when you make your payment with your wrong information like card number, password, expiration date, and your ids. Please provide information correctly with all your information.

5. Credit card errors Some problems may occur if your payment is off the credit limit. You should also consider that your credit card is not valid. Or your credit card company may have systemic problems temporarily. In this case please proceed your payment later.

6. Time out errors Time out errors may occur when exceeding a specific run time for authenticating your card payment. Please retry since it is a temporary problem. If errors occurred due to the wrong card information, your deal will be invalid. If you have other problems, please ask your card company.

7. Max out the total amount. If your credit card maxes out, you may not go through your payment process. If you have any future questions on this matter, feel free to contact me again. thanks again, clover

