Welcome to rosette school of dolls. rosettedoll
Dolls| Body & Parts| Clothes| Styles

[Antique R.] Violet - Daydream

Camellia - Premiere Rose

Pure Delilah

[Extra-Curricular] Marguerite - Green Thumb

[Extra-Curricular] Fir - Riding Lesson

[Extra-Curricular] Sakura - Dress Design

[Extra-Curricular] Armeria - Flower Painting

[Extra-Curricular] Camellia - Cute Invention

[Extra-Curricular] Violet - Violine Solo

[Michaelmas term] Sakura

[Summer Term] Camellia

[Summer Term] Violet

[Summer Term] Fir

[Summer Term] Marguerite

[Summer Term] Armeria

[School Play] Camellia - The Versailles Palace

[School Play] Fir - The Versailles Palace

[School Play] Armeria - The Versailles Palace

[School Play] Violet - The Versailles Palace

[School Play] Marguerite - The Versailles Palace

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